
Pokemon milo
Pokemon milo

pokemon milo

If you want to share your ideas on cards with other fans, feel free to drop us an email. We would love more volunteers to help us with our Card of the Day reviews. Though maybe I’m just missing what Milo really offers, as he didn’t make my list. Similarly strange is, had we done a larger countdown, Milo would have taken 23rd-place. Which makes it somewhat odd that Milo isn’t in either of the SSH – Rebel Clash Theme Decks.

pokemon milo

I guess if you’re just barely in that place where you’re ready for something more complicated than Hop but not ready to tackle Roxie or Professor’s Research, Milo may be the next step. I can’t even say Milo is all that great as a learning card when compared to Hop. I’m being a bit charitable with these scores, since Milo – like Hop before him – is functional in decks, just far, far from the optimal play. As long as you don’t deck out, that’s a good thing. Decks here are only 40 cards (instead of the usual 60), but you still want quite a few Supporters, and the smaller deck size means the same number of cards drawn digs deeper into your deck. In the Limited Format, Milo finally has a place to shine, largely because you aren’t likely to have as many copies (if any copies) of enough better draw Supporters. Not that Roxie is seeing much (if any) competitive play in either Format at the moment. In Expanded, Exeggcute (BW – Plasma Freeze 4/116 BW – Plasma Blast 102/101) and its “Propagation” Ability have you covered for painless discards.

pokemon milo

Koffing (SM – Cosmic Eclipse 76/236, 243/236) and Weezing (SM – Cosmic Eclipse 77/236) still give Roxie a powerful combo, thanks to their “Blow-Away Bomb” Ability. Her main issue is she can only discard Pokémon and they cannot be Pokémon-EX or Pokémon-GX (Pokémon V weren’t around when she was printed). She also lets you discard up to two cards, but she draws three per, not two. The problem is that it needed to be a better – or at least as good as – Roxie. That still makes Milo a better Sophocles. Unlike Sophocles, you can control how much you discard and how much you draw, though the former dictates the latter. If we ever get a deck that needs all the tricks to discard from hand it can get but cannot rely on Professor’s Research (or needs another discarding draw Supporter on top of it), Milo has a small chance of seeing some competitive play. The straight “Draw 3 cards.” supporters have been underpowered for years: Hop’s just this generation’s version of the same Supporter. You have to discard two cards from hand just to draw one more card than Hop, and to draw one less still required discarding a card. This seems pretty bad Hop lets you draw three cards without having to discard anything (or deal with any other requirements). Then, for each card you just discarded via this Milo’s effect, you draw two cards. Milo (SSH – Rebel Clash 161/192, 190/192, 201/192) is a Trainer-Supporter which lets you discard up to two cards from your hand.

Pokemon milo