
Marcela betty la fea
Marcela betty la fea

Sometimes they fo to the movies together❤️

  • Betty and Nicolas often go to the bakery to hang out.
  • Nicolás lives three streets away, and his mom has a bakery.
  • Nicolás’ dad abandoned him and his mom when he was around 13 (if I’m not misremembering the exact age), and left nothing but a suit, which is the one we saw Nicolás wearing before Betty told him to buy good executive clothes.
  • marcela betty la fea

  • Doña Julia was the one who picked Betty’s (ugly) clothes.
  • Calderon canon agr is 34, therefore Armando must be 34 too
  • Calderón says that Armando and him sat together in class back in school, which would mean that Armando and him are the same age.
  • Marcela’s parents have been dead for less than a decade.
  • marcela betty la fea

    Both Roberto and Hermes got uncomfortable by the mere mention, even though their wives did it completely innocently)

  • Both Don Hermes and Don Roberto possibly cheated on their wives with their secretaries (this given their reactions when their wives mentioned past secretaries.
  • Armando used to call Marcela “ratona” (mouse).
  • Calderón has siblings and nieces/nephews, but he refused to meet them until they were at least 10 yo because he dislikes kids.
  • Olarte mentions that Rag Tela either offered or considered offering money to Calderón in exchange for favors.
  • Unknown if he does the same to María Beatriz
  • Daniel gives candy to Marcela every time he sees her.
  • marcela betty la fea

  • Armando nibbles on objects when he’s anxious/stressed.
  • Marcela is said to be taking anti-depressants (although idk if it was only a joke from Freddy).
  • Armando sometimes quotes poems with Betty.
  • Ysblf is very subtle, and there’s a lot of little things that are shown/mentioned that people just forget because they aren’t that important, but I still wanted to compile some of them here!

    Marcela betty la fea